Scientific publications

The FLUIDGLASS project is founded on the cooperation between educational institutions and private business across Europe.  This cooperation has led, through research and development, to many scientific advancements that have been shared through publication in scientific journals and through presentation at conferences around the world.  Information on the Scientific papers and conferences can be found below.

  1. Fluid Glass Facade Element. Presented at: Energy Forum 2013, Bressanone, Italy by J. Stopper (05/11/2013)
  2. Control Strategies of Adaptive Glazing. Presented at: Eurosun 2014, Aix-les-Bains, France by V. Ritter (16/09/2014)
  3. Das Projekt “FLUIDGLASS” – Sonnenchutz, Heizung und Kühlung im Glas. Presented at: Zukunftsperspektiven im Fassadenbau 2014, Vienna, Austria by D. Gstöhl (13/06/2014)
  4. FLUIDGLASS eine flüssigkeitsdurchströmte Fassade. Presented at: Fassadentagung Verband SZFF 2014, Balsthal, Switzerland by V. Ritter (30/10/2014)
  5. FLUIDGLASS, an adaptive glazing. Presented at: Facade 2014, Luzern, Switzerland by V. Ritter (28/11/2014)
  6. FLUIDGLASS: a new concept for adaptive facade systems. Presented at: World Sustainable Energy Days 2016, Wels, Austria by M. Schröcker (28/11/2014)
  7. Validated Modelica Building Package for Energy Performance Simulation for Educational and Teaching Purposes. Presented at: 1st Japanese Modelica Conference, Tokyo, Japan by S. Hua (23/05/2016)
  8. Thermal simulation of a low temperature district heating network with SimulationX: Implementation of buildings with fluid-flown glass façade on district level. Presented at: 6th Munich School of Engineering (MSE) colloquium, Munich, Germany by J. Stoppper (07/07/2016)